The vibrant and captivating Cooking and Flower Arrangement Contest at Nguyen Tat Thanh University celebrates International Women’s Day on March 8

As part of the series of activities celebrating the 114th anniversary of International Women’s Day (March 8, 1910 – March 8, 2024), this morning, March 8, the Trade Union of Nguyen Tat Thanh University organized a Cooking and Flower Arrangement Contest with the participation of all faculty, staff, and workers from 37 units. The contest is a festival, a meaningful activity contributing to enhancing the cultural and spiritual life of female officials and workers in the University, creating a joyful, excited, and vibrant atmosphere in the trade union groups.

Dr. Hoàng Hữu Dũng, Vice President and Chairman of the Trade Union of Nguyen Tat Thanh University, delivered a speech at the program.

Opening the contest, Dr. Hoàng Hữu Dũng, Vice President and Chairman of the Trade Union of Nguyen Tat Thanh University, sends the warmest wishes to all the women at Nguyen Tat Thanh University on International Women’s Day, March 8th. In his role as Chairman of the Trade Union of Nguyen Tat Thanh University, Dr. Hoàng Hữu Dũng hopes that this contest will be an opportunity for the university’s officials, staff, and lecturers to get closer, unite, exchange, and share experiences in household chores, demonstrating the spirit of “Being proficient in work, fulfilling household duties.”

After nearly an hour of competition, the judges proceeded to score the contest, which consisted of three parts: flower arrangement, cooking, and presentation of each unit’s entry. In these categories, with skill and meticulousness, the 37 participating teams presented outstanding works, with many elaborately crafted and visually appealing dishes, reflecting various culinary styles from different regions. These creations were carefully invested in terms of both ideas and artistic elements, earning high praise from the judges for honoring Vietnamese women.

After the scoring, the judges proceeded to award prizes to the participating teams. In the flower arrangement category, the First Prize went to the Department of Corporate Relations and Student Employment, the Second Prize went to the Student Affairs Department and the Enrollment Counseling and Accounting Office. The organizers also awarded 3 Third Prizes and 30 Encouragement Prizes to other teams. In the cooking category, the grand prize was won by the Anh Viet My Kindergarten, with the Second Prize going to the International Student Support Center and the Student Union Office. Additionally, the organizers awarded 3 Third Prizes and 27 Encouragement Prizes to other teams.

Sharing her feelings about the cooking and flower arrangement contest, Ms. Cẩm Bình from the Human Resources Department said, “I feel very happy and excited to participate in this contest with all the teams. Participating in today’s competition, I feel that women in society are increasingly being cared for, and there are also many opportunities to assert their roles and talents in life. On this occasion, I would like to thank the university’s leadership and trade union for organizing such a meaningful playground. I hope that these activities will continue to be held with many innovations and attract more units to participate.”

In addition to organizing the cooking and flower arrangement contest, the Trade Union of Nguyen Tat Thanh University also arranged for the distribution of cakes to the various departments and units. Through these activities, the university aims to reconnect its members, encourage the sharing of experiences not only in work but also in daily activities, thereby fostering a deeper understanding and cohesion among them.

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News: Cam Thach

Photos: Media

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