Workshop on “Improve research capacity and develop Vietnam’s natural products

Workshop on “Improve research capacity and develop Vietnam’s natural products

On November 3rd, 2020, Nguyen Tat Thanh University organized a workshop on “Improve research capacity and develop Vietnam’s natural products” and also signed the cooperation agreement on training and scientific research with Vietnam’s Natural Products Science Association (VNPS).

Attending the workshop, there were Prof. Dr. Pham Van Thiem – President of VNPS, Prof. Dr. Pham Quoc Long – Vice President cum General Secretary of VNPS, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cung Thi To Quynh – Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Dr. Tran Quoc Toan – Institute of Natural Products Chemistry, Prof. Dr. Tran Dinh Thang – Institute of Biology and Environment (Vinh University), and Mr. Nguyen Viet Hung – Chief Editor of Brand and Product Magazine.

Representatives of Nguyen Tat Thanh University were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Thi Hong – Vice President, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bach Long Giang – Manager of Science and Technology Department, Leaders from Faculty of Environment and Food Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Biotechnology, NTT Hi-Tech Institute, together with other lecturers, researchers and postgraduate students.

Prof. Dr. Pham Van Thiem – President of Vietnam’s Natural Products Science Association is discussing contents of the collaboration between the Association and the University

As part of the workshop, Nguyen Tat Thanh University and Vietnam’s Natural Products Science Association signed the cooperation agreement with the agreed contents of cooperation on scientific research, training, technology transfer, publications for mutual benefits, experiences sharing in managing and running scientific research activities, supporting each other in accessing different funding sources for scientific research and technology transfer, collaboration on training quality improvement and publications in the ISI/SCOPUS prestigious scientific journals.

Signing ceremony between Vietnam’s Natural Products Science Association and Nguyen Tat Thanh University

At the workshop, Prof. Dr. Pham Quoc Long – Vice President cum General Secretary of VNPS presented research orientations on Vietnam’s natural products and potential cooperation opportunities in research and training between VNPS and Nguyen Tat Thanh University in the future.

The signing will help Nguyen Tat Thanh University to expand and improve the quality of its science and technology activities, comply with its development orientation to be an applied university, and also meet the needs of technology transfer and development of key natural products of localities and Vietnam.

Vietnam’s Natural Products Science Association was established under the Decision No. 73/QD-BNV dated on January 22, 2019 by the Minister of Home Affairs. Vietnam’s Natural Products Science Association is a voluntary association of citizens and organizations that have been conducting scientific researches, teaching, technology and engineering development, education and training, manufacturing, managing and trading in the field of science, natural products operating within the territory of Vietnam, for the purpose of gathering and unifying members, protecting legitimate rights and interests of members, supporting each other to operate effectively, contributing to the country’s socio-economic development and international integration. Through its professional activities, the Association aims to improve the quality of research, implementation combined with training scientific activities to contribute to the development of Vietnam’s natural products to reach the world level.

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