Training course on “Scientific Research Methods for students of Nguyen Tat Thanh University”


With the aims of improving knowledge and perfecting skills for enhancing the process of learning – scientific research of students; sharing experiences in scientific research; providing human resources to participate in scientific research at the University, the Department of Science and Technology and the Youth Union of Nguyen Tat Thanh University collaborated with Center of Science and Technology Development for Youth – Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union organizes a training course “Scientific research methods for students of Nguyen Tat Thanh University” for those who are studying in the fields of Natural Sciences – Engineering, Social Sciences – Economics.

The course is held online divided into 5 sessions from October 26 to October 30, 2021. The opening ceremony welcomed Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tran Thi Hong (Vice President, Director of the Interdisciplinary Institute for Social Sciences); Mr. Tran Duc Su, Deputy Director of Center of Science and Technology Development for Youth – Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Bach Long Giang, Head of Science and Technology Department, Director of Center for Innovation and Startup Incubation; Ms Nguyen Thi Thu Thao, Secretary of the NTTU’s Youth Union; experts with many years of experience in scientific research from institutions such as International University, Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam National University, SocialLife Research Institute… and students registered to participate in the course.

The main contents presented in the training course include the Overview of scientific research; General structure of a scientific paper; The basic procedure in implementing a scientific research project; Meanings and methods of developing scientific hypothesis; Research methodologies; Methods of searching materials, analyzing and presenting research results; basic contents to be elaborated for each part of a scientific paper and experiences in scientific research from experts. During the first session of the training course, there were heated debates between lecturers and NTTU students who had participated in scientific research and those who have just started joining scientific research activities. Overall, students have generally understood about scientific research and developed their passion for research. Some students have also identified research problems in the future, such as research ideas on: the process of building skilled and professional human resources to meet the needs of employers; Factors affecting consumers’ demand to choose Iphone products; Health and environmental benefits of vegetarianism; Financial investment behavior 4.0 of young generations; Factors affecting social safety in the pre-COVID-19 pandemic at Long An province in 2021…

Promoting scientific research is a parallel task with teaching and learning activities, contributing to improving the training quality, prestige and scientific reputation of NTTU. For students, scientific research is the process of applying knowledge to develop cognition with a research nature, contributing to solving scientific problems in practice and during the development of their career path. From there, learners can deepen, expand and perfect their knowledge, as well as improving creative thinking, analytical skills, critical thinking, logical thinking and other interpersonal skills developed while they work in a group or independently.

Over the years, student scientific research has always been of special interest to the University. Based on the desire to learn, acquire knowledge and experience in scientific research of students, NTTU will continue to organize a series of activities on scientific research. This will help to improve the quality of scientific research, technology transfer and social contribution at NTTU.

Some pictures from the training course’s first sessions:

Department of Science and Technology

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