The Pharmacy program (for Degree of Pharmacist) of Nguyen Tat Thanh University has been recognized by VNU-HCM Center for Education Accreditation to be in compliance with the education accreditation standards of the Ministry of Education and Training.

The Pharmacy program (for Degree of Pharmacist) of Nguyen Tat Thanh University has been recognized by VNU-HCM Center for Education Accreditation to be in compliance with the education accreditation standards of the Ministry of Education and Training.

NTTU – VNU-HCM Center for Education Accreditation has just recognized the Pharmacy program (for Degree of Pharmacist) of Nguyen Tat Thanh University to be in compliance with the education accreditation standards of the Ministry of Education and Training under the Resolution No. 06/NQ-HĐKĐCLGD dated on 15th April 2020.

The accreditation of Pharmacy program was implemented professionally and transparently within three days from 24th to 26th December, 2019. According to the conclusions of the assessment delegation, 11 standards with 50 criteria have been totally complied with the accreditation standards of the Circular No. 04. Specifically, the percentage of satisfactory criteria is 92%.


The Certificate of Pharmacy program Accreditation (for Degree of Pharmacist)

With this achievement, Nguyen Tat Thanh University is the first non-public higher education institute in Ho Chi Minh City to meet the accreditation standards for Pharmacy program (for Degree of Pharmacist) under the Circular 04/2016/TT-BGDĐT. Up to the present, the Pharmacy training program (for Degree of Pharmacist) is the third training program of Nguyen Tat Thanh University to be accredited. Previously, the Bachelor of Hospitality Management and Engineer of Electrical – Electronic Engineering Technology also gained the educational quality accreditation of the Ministry of Education and Training with the percentage of satisfactory criteria to be 96% and 88% respectively.


The Certificate of program accreditation for the Bachelor of Hospitality Management and Engineer of Electrical – Electronic Engineering Technology

Besides being accredited by local higher education accreditation agencies, Nguyen Tat Thanh University is also a non-public university in the country to achieve many assessed training programs in compliance with the ASEAN University Network – Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) standards. After the process of assessment and review of preliminary results, the AUN-QA has announced that four assessed training programs of Nguyen Tat University successfully complete the AUN-QA assessment procedure, including: Business Administration, Information Technology, English Studies, Finance – Banking.



The Certificates to programs for successfully completing the AUN-QA program assessment

Along with affirming the quality of training programs in compliance with local and regional standards, Nguyen Tat Thanh University also focuses on the quality accreditation of the University. In 2019, Nguyen Tat Thanh University is the first non-public higher education institute in Vietnam to be granted the 4-star certificate by the QS (United Kingdom).

Nguyen Tat Thanh University is the first non-public higher education institute in Vietnam to be granted the 4-star certificate by the QS (United Kingdom)

In the coming years, Nguyen Tat Thanh University will target to achieve more training programs followed by domestic and international standards. The success of Pharmacy program and other training fields will be the motivation for other faculties to learn, experience, and prepare the best way to conduct other external assessments in the future.

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