NTTU organizes training session to improve the capacity in scientific research and innovation for students

NTTU – On October 23, 2021, Nguyen Tat Thanh University held a training session on “The role of scientific research and innovation activities to students and guidelines for writing scientific articles” targeting NTTU students through an online platform. The training session aims to raise students’ awareness about the role of scientific research and innovation activities, to guide students on how to approach scientific research and to present a scientific paper. This activity also contributes to improving the capacity of scientific research and innovation for students of Nguyen Tat Thanh University.

Training session welcomed Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tran Thi Hong – Vice President and Director of the Interdisciplinary Institute for Social Sciences (Chair); Assoc.Prof.Dr. Vo Thanh Sang – NTT Hi Tech Institute (Presenter); Assoc.Prof.Dr. Bach Long Giang – Head of Science and Technology Department; Dr. Nguyen Huu Thuan Anh – Deputy Head of Science and Technology Department, other staff from the Department and more than participating 200 students.

The training session benefits students interested in scientific research

At the training session, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Vo Thanh Sang shared specifically on how to find a research topic; develop a research plan; how to conduct a research; how to solve research problems; how to structure a literature review; explanation of research aims; research objectives; identify research subjects and objects, research scope; how to develop scientific hypothesis; how to identify research tasks, research methods and finally how to find sources of research materials. Through the detailed elaboration of the presenter, students had a better overview in developing and implementing scientific research; contributing to raising students’ awareness of the importance of scientific research and innovation activities.

Scientific research is considered an effective method for students to expand their knowledge and personal skills. It is also an opportunity for students to apply their theoretical knowledge in solving practical problems, contributing to encouraging enthusiasm and creativity; the ability to think and learn independently. Nguyen Tat Thanh University will continue to organize training sessions with more useful content in order to promote scientific research activities of students.

Department of Science and Technology

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