Nguyen Tat Thanh University to participate in an Online Project Training Course on Knowledge and Methodology to Analyse the Labour Market, Lab-Movie project

Nguyen Tat Thanh University to participate in an Online Project Training Course on Knowledge and Methodology to Analyse the Labour Market, Lab-Movie project

In November, Nguyen Tat Thanh University participated in an Online Project Training Course on Knowledge and Methodology to Analyse the Labour Market under the Lab-Movie project funded by Erasmus + Fund of European Commission in the period of 2020- 2022 in Hanoi. This is a multinational cooperation project aimed to transfer the capacities to Vietnamese universities from universities located in Europe.

Within the framework of the project, the project participants include University of Padova – Italy, University of Salamanca – Spain, Nova Lisbon University – Portugal, Steps Srl Company – Italy. From Vietnam, there are 5 participating universities including Hanoi University, Thai Nguyen University, Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Hanoi University of Industry, Nguyen Tat Thanh University and Hanoi Small and Medium Enterprises Association. In particular, Padova University contributes as the project coordinator on the European side and Hanoi University participates as the national coordinator on the Vietnamese side.

Nguyen Tat Thanh University is the only Southern university participated in the Lab- Movie project

During this online training period, representatives of each member university were instructed by European experts on labor market survey and analysis methods in Agri-Food, Tourism and ICT sectors, including statistical survey, focus group interviews, questionnaire design, sampling methods and data analysis. Meanwhile, experts also provided suggestions to Vietnamese lecturers when conducting market research which is tailor-made suitable to the local culture. After three days of hard work, all members agreed on the method and the deadline for the next work packages.

Lab – Movie project is designed with specific goals of providing an overview of the labor market in three fields of Agri-Food, Tourism and ICT in Vietnam and in some European countries. The project also aims to promote cooperation between university and business in order to make recommendations to modify the training programs to improve the quality of training at universities according to the needs of the labor market. In addition, it also seeks to support the development of knowledge economy and local businesses, create jobs and improve economic growth and living standards.

Representatives from the universities of Lab- Movie 

The research findings of the Lab-Movie project will help Vietnamese students to form a learning direction in their study, especially for juniors and seniors who decide to study for a second degree to widen their job opportunities. The project also delivers essential information to inform students on clearer ideas regarding the job and labor market, future career orientation during their studies, assisting students to have hands-on experience working in a company, hence obtaining essential skills according to the needs of employers. Besides, Lab-Movie project also provides further assistance to lecturers in material design and teaching activities to offer students necessary skills based on employers’ needs. Lecturers will be able to obtain better understanding of students’ abilities and needs on how to be more successful and effective. The observatory team will collect data and provide analytical results to help lecturers implement the most effective training activities in order to resolve the existing problems. In addition, from the business perspective, the project’s data platform will enable periodic updates of the employers’ labor needs and maintain sustainable partnerships with higher education institutes.

Apart from attending the training course of 16-18 November 2020, Mr. Nguyen Phuong Thong, Nguyen Tat Thanh University represented members of the project to present a brief summary of Lab-Movie Project as part of its dissemination plan at the project meeting of Monitoring Trends in Vietnamese Graduates Employment (MOTIVE) organized by Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology on 23-26 November 2020 in Hanoi.

LAB-MOVIE introduced at the meeting of MOTIVE at PTIT, Hanoi

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