Nguyen Tat Thanh University co-organizes Science Workshop and Exhibition to introduce results of scientific researches at the XI Party Congress of Tien Giang Province

Nguyen Tat Thanh University co-organizes Science Workshop and Exhibition to introduce results of scientific researches at the XI Party Congress of Tien Giang Province

NTTU – Recently, Nguyen Tat Thanh University cooperated with Tien Giang Center for Engineering and Biotechnology to organize a science workshop on “Research and develop the product diversification of citronella and lemongrass oils in Tien Giang Province”

The workshop was atttended by Dr. Le Quang Khoi – Deputy Director of the Department of Science and Technology of Tien Giang Province and representatives of Departments, Offices of Tan Phu Dong District, Tien Giang Province, together with lecturers and researchers of Nguyen Tat Thanh University, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry, Ho Chi Minh City University of Agriculture and Forestry.

The workshop introduced scientific research results on food product diversification (dried lemongrass from leaves and stalks, dried lemongrass powder, lemongrass tea bags, lemongrass essential oil), personal care products (soap, shower gel, shampoo, hand sanitizer) and home care products (fragrance, mosquito repellent, diffuser, mopping) are derived from lemongrass essential oils. The development of citronella and lemongrass oil products in Tan Phu Dong District, Tien Giang Province will diversify food products and create consumer products to increase product value and income for farmers, contributing to the locality’s sustainable economic development.

Science workshop attracts a lot of departments, industries and lecturers, researchers from universities

“Research and develop the product diversification of citronella and lemongrass oils in Tien Giang Province” is a program within the framework of Decision No. 615/QD-BKHCN dated on March 29, 2017 on the approval of the project budget managed by the Central Government under the Support Program for the application and transfer of scientific and technological advances to promote the socio-economic development in rural, mountainous and ethnic minority areas implemented since 2017 on the project “Application of technological process of extracting essential oils and producing substrates for growing mushroom, clean soils made from citronella wastes to increase added value and sustainably develop for the lemongrass growing areas in Tien Giang Province” chaired by Tien Giang Center for Technology and Biotechnology, in which Nguyen Tat Thanh University and Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology are to transfer advanced technology from June 2017 to June 2020 in Tan Phu Dong District – Tien Giang Province.

In order to implement and develop the project more deeply and broadly as well as promoting these local advantages to achieve the strategic goal of developing key plants of Tien Giang province, the implementation of product diversification which focuses on rapidly increasing the proportion of high value added products and new products is one of the necessary methods to improve the competitiveness of citronella and lemongrass oils in the market. Nguyen Tat Thanh University has implemented the project “Research and develop the product diversification of citronella and lemongrass oils in Tien Giang Province” in order to make the most comprehensive and effective use of the local sources specialty available to produce products serving consumer needs.

In particular, these research products will be introduced at the XI Party Congress of Tien Giang Province (period of 2020-2025) on October 13, 2020.

Department of Science and Technology, Nguyen Tat Thanh University

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