Lecturers and students of Nguyen Tat Thanh University provide free medical examination and pharmaceutical distribution

Lecturers and students of Nguyen Tat Thanh University provide free medical examination and pharmaceutical distribution

On 25th and 26th July 2020, over 30 lecturers and students of the Faculty of Medicine of Nguyen Tat Thanh University together with the medical team of Ho Chi Minh City Orthopedics & Rehabilitation Hospital provided free medical examination and pharmaceutical distribution related to orthopedics and rehabilitation for patients in Giong Trom District, Ben Tre Province.

The delegation conducted medical examination, blood pressure measurement, and drug distribution for free to more than 500 families under preferential treatment policy, families of woulded soldiers and martyrs, families with special difficulties and children in difficult circumstances in the area of Giong Trom District. At the same time, the delegation also consulted and introduced the treatment methods of diseases related to orthopedic and functional rehabilitation, giving more than 500 gifts to people who came for medical examination.

Lecturers, students and medical team visit each patient

The above activities aim to pay tribute to people with meritorious services to the country and children in extremely difficult circumstances in Giong Trom District, Ben Tre Province. In addition, this is also an opportunity for students majoring in General Medicine and Preventive Medicine to have a practical view when becoming a general practitioner, as well as applying their learned medical knowledge into practice.

In addition to medical examination, students of Nguyen Tat Thanh University also support people in need from the smallest things

Over the years, Nguyen Tat Thanh University has constantly associated training responsibility with social responsibility, and considered social responsibility as an important part of sustainable development. Every year, it regularly organizes volunteering activities to help people in difficult circumstances across the country. In addition, Nguyen Tat Thanh University is also an active contributor of scholarship funds such as Vu A Dinh Scholarship Fund, Nguyen Thai Binh Scholarship, Traditional Camp Program on 9th January, Dreams with Wings program… With the dedication to society, Nguyen Tat Thanh University hopes to build Ho Chi Minh City in particular and the country in general rich, beautiful and civilized.

Hồng Quang – Tiến Thành

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