ERASMUS+ HIGHER EDUCATION MOBILITY – Call for applications for Student mobility for studies


Call for applications for Student mobility for studies

2023-2024 academic year

Art. 1 Purpose of the call and general regulations

  1. This call regulates the application procedure for students and staff mobility in the framework of the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility project between University of Parma, Italy and Nguyen Tat Thanh university (Vietnam).

Erasmus+ is the EU programme for education, training, youth and sport covering the period 2021-2027. It offers a wide range of opportunities for students and staff to study and train abroad and obtain credits which are then recognised by the sending institution.

  1. The present Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility project between University of Parma, and Nguyen Tat Thanh University lasts 36 months, from June 1, 2023 to July 31, 2025.

Art. 2 Mobility types and available places

Under this call for applications the following places are available for prospective candidates from the Nguyen Tat Thanh university:

  1. UNDERGRADUATE or POSTGRADUATE (1st or 2nd cycle): 1 place (5 months/each student) for mobility for studies for students of the two-year Master degree and students of the four-year Bachelor degree, studying at Nguyen Tat Thanh University.

The present call for applications provides mobility grants for 2023-2024 academic year.

The mobilities of students will take place during the academic year 2023-2024 (Mobility for studies from February to July 2024)

Art. 3 Admission requirements

3.1 In order to apply, prospective candidates must be enrolled at Nguyen Tat Thanh university at the moment of application and for the whole duration of the mobility.

In addition

Undergraduate students must carry out their mobility from the third year of their studies. They could apply for undergraduate’s and master’s courses at the hosting university.

3.2 Language proficiency

Applicants for student mobility for studies are required to be proficient in English at level B2 and recommended Italian at level B1 of the CEFR or equivalent (for example IELTS 6.0 is equivalent to CEFR B2) respectively, and to provide certifications of the required level (International language certificate (IELTS, TOEFL, CAE); Students without certifications can demonstrate English proficiency through English subject marks in the English Department or Foreign Language Center of Nguyen Tat Thanh University.

Students without Italian proficiency certifications at level B1 level of the CEFR or equivalent must spend 600 hours studying Italian online at HANU. The tuition fees of this Italian language study will be borne by students.

3.3 In/compatibility

  • The same student may participate in Erasmus+ mobility periods totaling up to 12 months maximum per each cycle of study (Bachelor or equivalent, Master or equivalent, Doctoral level), independently from the number and type of mobility activities. Previous Erasmus+ and Erasmus Mundus experiences must be taken into account for calculation purposes;
  • Selected beneficiaries will not be allowed to benefit from any other grant provided by the European Commission for mobility for study for the same period;
  • Selected beneficiaries will not be allowed to benefit from any other grant provided by other entities (including Home institution) for the mobility period;
  • Beneficiaries must carry out their mobility activities in a country different from the country where they have their accommodation during their studies (for students) or from the country of residence (for staff);
  • Candidates with a double nationality must specify the nationality under which they submit their scholarship application.

3.4 Ineligibility

  • If, at any stage in the application procedure, it is established that the information provided by the applicant has been knowingly falsified, the candidate will be disqualified from the selection process.
  • Students who receive an Erasmus+ grant will fully or partially reimburse the EU grant if they do not comply with the terms of the grant agreement and if they fail to complete the approved programme and submit the final online report, unless they are prevented from completing their planned activities abroad due to a case of force majeure.

Art. 4 Activities

Mobility for studies:

Erasmus+ grants for study are awarded for full time study activities, including thesis preparation, at first, second and third study cycles. The studies in which the beneficiaries are enrolled must be leading to a recognized degree or another recognized tertiary level qualification.

Art. 5 Grants

5.1 Grantees will receive a grant as a contribution to their costs for travel and individual support during their mobility.

They are specified in the table below:

Students 850€ per month


Travel costs will be covered by the project

(up to the amounts defined by the E+ programme on the basis of the distance bands. Changes will not be covered)

5.2 Erasmus+ selected students will continue to pay fees to their sending university but will benefit from tuition waiver from their host university.

5.3 The mobility period must be carried out continuously and it must not be split into different periods.

5.4 Selected candidates accepting the scholarship will sign a scholarship contract listing their duties and responsibilities. They will be required to comply with the local admission requirements and registration procedures at the Host University.

5.5 Special needs support

Extra financial support may be available for beneficiaries with special needs. A person with special needs is a potential participant whose individual physical, mental or health-related situation is such that his/her participation in the project would not be possible without extra financial support. The contribution will be awarded to beneficiaries with special needs upon request by the Coordinating institution and approval from the Erasmus+ Italian National Agency.

5.6 Incentives:

 Support in visa application, housing, accommodation will be supplied by the Italian language and culture and International mobility Center – Hanoi University as requested by incoming beneficiaries.

For staff going abroad, this mobility will enhance their annual performance assessment

Art. 6 Admission procedure

6.1 Application

  • Prospective applicants should submit required documents (6.2) via e-mail to the address: international.[email protected] from 20/11/2023 to 30/11/2023. Any application received after the deadline will not be accepted;
  • A confirmation email will be sent after the application has successfully been submitted;
  • The official language of the application is At the time of application diplomas, transcripts and other official documents may be submitted in original language but they must be accompanied by an English translation. At this stage non certified translations are accepted. In case applicants are selected they may have to provide certified translations of all relevant documents.

6.2 Required Documentation

  • Copy of a valid ID card or passport;
  • Copy of residence document (family register book);
  • Copy of the transcripts of records, indicating university grades/marks for finished and/or current cycles of study;
  • Copy of official language certifications (if any);
  • Motivation letter (maximum 2 pages);
  • Proposed Learning Agreement (for 1st and 2nd cycle students) signed by the applicant, the Erasmus+ Administrative Coordinator and Erasmus+ Academic Coordinator or Coordinator of the Student’s Study Programme of the sending institution;
  • Curriculum Vitae (max 2 pages) in English, including extracurricular activities (courses, seminars, conferences, published research, etc.) and professional experience related to the fields of knowledge of the courses. Please use the CV MOTIVE template on;
  • Proof of socio-economic disadvantaged background (in case it is available);
  • Recommendation letters and other supporting documents in English, e.g. honors, awards, internship/work certificates, proof of disability if relevant.

* Students can refer to the website of the University of Parma for courses information (

Art. 7 Selection process

7.1 The Selection process includes the following steps:

  1. Eligibility check by the Nguyen Tat Thanh University;
  2. Evaluation process by the Nguyen Tat Thanh University Selection Committee and University of Parma Selection Committee

The Nguyen Tat Thanh University will review the submitted applications and evaluate the technical components (eligibility requirements, full documentation, completeness and authenticity of documents attached) to identify the eligible candidates.

Only valid and eligible applications will be evaluated and ranked by the Nguyen Tat Thanh University Selection Committee, according with the following criteria, which have been jointly agreed by the partner university and the coordinating university:

Type of Mobility / Criteria Academic merit (GPA of the Bachelor degree >= 7,0 for students of the Master degree and GPA of professional subjects >= 8,0 for students) Language skills Motivation Students without previous Erasmus mobility experience Minimum score required
Students for studies Max. 50 points Max. 20 points Max. 15 points 15 points 70 points

7.2 In the framework of Erasmus+ regulations the first criterion for selecting students must be academic merit, but with equivalent academic level, preference should be assigned to students from less advantaged socio-economic backgrounds.

7.3 The final selection decision will also consider cross-cutting evaluation criteria such as gender balance, equal opportunities and participation of disadvantaged groups (disabled students, economically disadvantaged students) providing a more equal and fair selection process.

 7.4 The Nguyen Tat Thanh university may decide to invite the candidates whose average score is above the threshold for an interview, either face-to-face or via Skype.

7.5 At the end of the selection procedure the Nguyen Tat Thanh university Selection Committee will draft a ranking list of qualified candidates. A reserve list will also be defined and will include the names of eligible candidates who may be awarded a grant in case of withdrawal/drop-out of selected students or if additional funding is available.

7.6 All applicants will be informed by e-mail of the selection results as soon as the evaluation procedure has been concluded.

7.7 Selected candidates will receive a scholarship offer and are required to accept or reject it in writing within 48 hours. For every selected candidate not accepting the grant within the deadline, the Nguyen Tat Thanh university will nominate a candidate from the reserve list.

7.8 Appeal Procedure

  • Rejected applicants who feel that a mistake has been made in the process or that their application has not been fairly evaluated can file a complaint to[email protected] not later than 24 hours since receipt of rejection mail, explaining their reasons.
  • Complaints from applicants who have failed to satisfy all of the eligibility criteria (e.g. who have not produced the required documentation, or have applied for a scholarship but do not meet the requirements, etc.), or have failed to satisfy them within the established timeframes, will not be taken into consideration.
  • The appeal procedure can only come into play if a candidate feels that the Selection Committee has not handled his/her own application in line with the principles and procedures described in the call. In other words, the appeal cannot concern the decision itself, but only an alleged error made in the process.

Art. 8 Data protection

Information relating to individuals (personal data) is collected and used in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

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